Grid View List View Latest Most Viewed Most Commented Semayawi party demonstrations attacked by EPRDF police የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ሰላማዊ ሰልፈኞች በ ኢህ ኣ ዴግ ሲደበደቡ 574 December 7, 2014 Returning Ethiopian migrants IOM ኢትዮጵያ የተመለሱ ስደተኞች 511 December 4, 2014 Jacky Gosee Interview with Tadias about Hanna Lalango 576 December 3, 2014 Immigrant goes in the box to enter to France በ ካርቶን ታሽጎ የተገኘ ስደተኛ 546 December 2, 2014 Band Aid: Real Africa’s Queen way of Thinking 570 December 2, 2014 African migrants vs Moroccan police የኣፍሪካውያን ስደተኞች ስቃይ 547 November 30, 2014 Ethiopians life in Sudan ሱዳን ላይ ሰሚ ያጡ ወገኖቻችን 618 November 29, 2014 The Michael Brown story according to two different narratives 676 November 29, 2014 How one man deceived many Ethiopians on a Visa scam የ ኣሜሪካ ቪዛ ኣለኝ ባይ ኣጭበርባሪ 460 November 26, 2014 The BBC report on Ethiopian famine in 1985 የ ድርቅ ዜና 562 November 26, 2014 123456 Categories Amharic Movies (6) Amharic Videos (54) Comedy (41) Documentaries (54) English Movies (1) Funny Videos (72) Health (6) How It's Made (1) Islam (8) Life Lessons (19) Movies (4) Music (53) Nature (13) News (52) Orthodox (20) Pentecostal (2) Politics (58) Religion (17) Science (10) Sports (10)