Grid View List View Latest Most Viewed Most Commented Ye webie Berha lejoch Ethiopia funny jokes ኣስቂኝ የ ውቤ በርሃ ልጆች እንካ ስላንቲያ 713 November 29, 2014 Horse in Saudi Arabia sky በጣም አሰገራሚ ነገር ሰሞኑን በሳውዲ አረብያ የተከሰተ 647 November 29, 2014 Adorable: Father and daughter dance የ ኣባት ና ሴት ልጅ የ ዳንስ ውድድር 541 November 28, 2014 Ethiopian eating contestየ ምግብ ውድድር 642 November 28, 2014 Old Ethiopian man dancing to English song 502 November 28, 2014 Father and Son take your ear off 561 November 28, 2014 Ethiopian funny Abayi Ad 8100A ኣስቂኝ የ ኣባይ ማስታወቂያ 718 November 26, 2014 Fat and snoring wife 562 November 26, 2014 Father and Son dance battle ኣስቂኝ የ ኣባት ና ልጅ የ ዳንስ ውድድር 493 November 26, 2014 Funny African parents vs. White parents 685 November 26, 2014 1234567Last Categories Amharic Movies (6) Amharic Videos (54) Comedy (41) Documentaries (54) English Movies (1) Funny Videos (72) Health (6) How It's Made (1) Islam (8) Life Lessons (19) Movies (4) Music (53) Nature (13) News (52) Orthodox (20) Pentecostal (2) Politics (58) Religion (17) Science (10) Sports (10)