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Teddy Afro – ETHIOPIA – ኢትዮጵያ -New Official Song 2017 – With Lyrics

Teddy Afro Musics. The legendary Ethiopian singer who writes his own lyrics, creates his own melody and since he plays some instruments, he also plays part in the arrangement of his music More @

Mesert Tefera -ጎንደሬነትሽ – New Ethiopian Music 2017

Here is Mesert Tefera’s New traditional Ethiopian song -ጎንደሬነትሽ

አብዱ ኪያር : ደስ ይላል ABDU KIAR : Des Yilal New Ethiopian Music

ስጠብቅሽ ኖሬ ኖሬ ስናፍቅሽ ኖሬ ኖሬ እጅግ በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል ስለተገናኘን ዛሬ ታጋሽ ሆኖ በመገኘት ቃል አክብሮ በመገኘት እንዴት እኮ ደስ እንደሚል ተለያይቶ መገናኘት የሩቅ ለሩቅ ፍቅር ያ ማይቻል ነገር ብታምኝም ባታምኝም ወፈፍ አርጎኝ ነበር መደንዘዝ አብዝቼ ከሰው አልጣጣም ይቺን ዕለት ነበረ ምናፍቃት በጣም በይ አይን አይንሽን ልየው አትለይ ከጎኔ ዛሬ ነው ቀናችን ፍቅር አንቺና …Read more »

Bal Ej the hidden Jews of Ethiopia Trailer

A documentary film by Irene Orleansky telling a story of the Jews of the North Shewa region of Ethiopia, their history, culture and struggle for preserving their identity in an environment of hostility and persecutions for many centuries.

Workneh Assefa’s new Amharic song “beka”

Music video director: Metasebya Qesela, recording Teddy Teshome. Ethiopian Music: Workneh Assefa’s new Amharic song “beka”.