Grid View List View Latest Most Viewed Most Commented Getnet Enyew for Ethiopians killed by ISIS ጌትነት እንየው በሊቢያ ለተሰዉት 858 April 28, 2015 Wealth and Freedom in Ethiopia 776 March 31, 2015 As Ethiopia opens its economy to western investors, its political system is becoming more closed, human rights organizations say. Photo: EPA Documentary:U.S Policy:ETHIOPIA A FAILED STATE! 662 February 5, 2015 የግንቦት 7ቱ አንዳርጋቸው ፅጌ በፖሊስ ፕሮግራም ላይ 607 January 5, 2015 Edward Snowden: Here’s How We Take Back The Internet 691 December 28, 2014 Aba-Dula Gemeda Interview On NileTV 792 December 28, 2014 The Ethiopian Organized Criminals in South Africa MUST WATCH 741 December 19, 2014 King Haile Selassie Documentary the Irie Situation ኣጭር የ ሃ/ስላሴ ታሪክ 621 December 10, 2014 Ethiopian Protesters in Washington DC 12/14 በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ የተካሄደው ሰልፍ ህግ ይከበር 562 December 9, 2014 Solomon Tekalegn Hulum Zero Zero ሁሉም ዜሮ ዜሮ 2818 December 8, 2014 123456 Categories Amharic Movies (6) Amharic Videos (54) Comedy (41) Documentaries (54) English Movies (1) Funny Videos (72) Health (6) How It's Made (1) Islam (8) Life Lessons (19) Movies (4) Music (53) Nature (13) News (52) Orthodox (20) Pentecostal (2) Politics (58) Religion (17) Science (10) Sports (10)