Grid View List View Latest Most Viewed Most Commented Redwan Hussien in America ሬድዋን ሁሴን በ ኣሜሪካ ሲዋረድ 500 December 2, 2014 Ethiopian Muslims message to Christians ክርስታን ወንድሞቻችንም ሊያዳምጡ የሚገባ ቪደዎ 594 December 2, 2014 Andint Party Habetamu Ayalew’s speech የ ኣንድነቱ ሀብታሙ ኣያሌው ንግግር በ ደሴ 474 December 1, 2014 Malcolm X Democracy is hypocrisy 593 December 1, 2014 Tamagne Beyene about Ethiopian Muslims and Christians ታማኝ በየነ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ሙስሊሞች 651 December 1, 2014 Amhara Genocide by EPRDF 3 ሚሊዮን ኣማራዎች ወዴት ተሰዎሩ? 526 November 30, 2014 Why America is not the greatest country in the world anymore 530 November 30, 2014 Ethiopian protesters in Israel against Dr.Tedros Adhanom 2014 517 November 29, 2014 Ethiopian protesters against EPRDF’s Tedros Adhanom in Israel 2014 546 November 29, 2014 Hager Malet Habtamu Ayalew ሃገር ማለት – በሃብታሙ አያሌው 476 November 29, 2014 123456 Categories Amharic Movies (6) Amharic Videos (54) Comedy (41) Documentaries (54) English Movies (1) Funny Videos (72) Health (6) How It's Made (1) Islam (8) Life Lessons (19) Movies (4) Music (53) Nature (13) News (52) Orthodox (20) Pentecostal (2) Politics (58) Religion (17) Science (10) Sports (10)